
War Museum 2071

Fardin Hasan
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Project idea

The Idea was to create a submerged structure that symbolizes the bunker which was used in war of 1971, two forms sat one upon other also shows the oppressions happened during the war. All the spaces are design so the visitor can feel the fear, discriminations and unbearable oppressions happened in 1971.

Project description

This architectural project aims to design a Liberation War Museum dedicated to commemorating and educating visitors about the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. The museum will serve as a place of remembrance, reflection, and historical education, aiming to capture the spirit and significance of the war for future generations.

1.Commemoration: The primary objective is to create a space that pays homage to the heroes and the sacrifices made during the 1971 Liberation War, serving as a place of reverence.
2.Education: The museum should be an informative hub, offering a comprehensive historical narrative of the events leading up to and during the war, utilizing various media and artifacts.
3.Inspiration: The museum should evoke a sense of pride, patriotism, and commitment to the principles of freedom and independence.

The Liberation War Museum project will result in a comprehensive architectural design and plan, presenting a compelling narrative of the 1971 war while providing a platform for future generations to connect with their history and heritage.

Technical information

The structure is mainly made of concrete which shows the robust and rigidity of the mass. steel structures which is exposed to hold the building structure. 4 water bodies is installed for symbolizing all the bloodshed and at the end a glass tower which is victory.

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