The title itself suggests that this project is about reviving the mining history and revitalizing the interesting site of the Uranium Mine in Bytíz.
The Visitor Center is located in the very heart of the site, complementing the existing industrial buildings and making them more attractive and accessible.
With my design, I aimed to create a unique feeling of "being underground," thereby evoking the atmosphere of the mining work in the uranium mines.
The entire area is designed to be highly engaging so that visitors will want to walk through the entire tour again and again.
Within the site, visitors can visit a café, a waterfall reminiscent of cooling towers, learn about the miners' stories and our history, and, last but not least, climb the mining tower to enjoy the view of the surrounding nature.
The design concept follows the contours of the wavy terrain and is elegantly placed between the existing buildings to enhance their significance.
The organic shape of the building is meant to blend with the landscape, acting as a modern architectural jewel amidst the simple industrial structures. The entire area is designed to be barrier-free so that everyone can enjoy the tour, regardless of any health restrictions. "Old, young, big, or small."
The scope of the solution included: designing a visitor center for the given area and making it more attractive. Additionally, it also involved analyzing the entire area from an urban planning perspective.
The building is mainly constructed from reinforced concrete elements, which are lightened by corrugated glass components designed to attract the visitor into the heart of the structure