The North Face is an American manufacturer of outdoor gear . The North Face manufactures outdoor apparel, accessories, and footwear. Products from the North Face are renowned for their premium materials, cutting-edge technology, and robust design. They get their name from a mountain's coldest, harshest aspect. Because they have aided adventurers in scaling the Himalayas' most inconceivable heights.
By focusing on the sports that are most popular in Egypt and showcasing various sports sites, the project's major goal is to draw in new sports enthusiasts from Egypt and throughout the world to discover the sport side of Egypt .
The idea behind the design is to immerse the consumer in the atmosphere of each sport as if they were actually present in it. Beginning with the water sports and hiking areas located on the ground floor, the design will progressively transition to the air sports located on the second story, creating an unforgettable experience.
The combination of sharp and soft lines in the plan is meant to symbolize the distinct characteristics of each zone, ranging from the extreme abrasiveness of the mountains to the gentleness of the water, resulting in a harmonious equilibrium.