
Film District Park - Film Flow

Aya Nachabeh
Beirut Arab university, Faculty of Architecture, Tripoli

Project idea

The Film District Park is a dynamic cultural center that narrates the smooth evolution of film (The film flow), from production to projection, upon the location of an old Ghandour factory in Tripoli, Lebanon. The design leads guests through the different phases of the filmmaking process. From the studios and filming locations inside the hangars to the movie theaters and cinema rooms where movies are screened and projected. The walking follow allows visitors to interact directly with the creative process, symbolizing the flow of filmmaking. Through this trip, the local population is reconnected as well as individuals are introduced to the craft of filming by taking the inspiration by the Ghandour factories that its past function as a meeting place for workers from many different locations. By the shared experience of cinema, the project aims to promote community unity and cultural exchange while reviving the location and its environs.

Problem Facing:
-Tripoli, Lebanon, has serious regional problems such cultural breakdown, economic deterioration, and unemployment. One of the main problems is the lack of connectivity between neighborhoods and their surroundings. The factory site in Ghandour, which was once an important industrial center, has been both conceptually and physically abandoned. Opportunities for social integration, economic engagement, and cultural exchange are restricted by a lack of connectivity.
-Historically, the Ghandour factory served as a hub for laborers from many areas, signifying community involvement and social cohesion. Because of the site's abandonment, there is an a gap in the urban structure of the city that makes it more difficult to create common areas that encourage social contact and cross-cultural exchange.

-The important past of the Ghandour factories was being the intersection for workers from many areas, encouraging social integration and cultural interchange, is what inspired the design. Wherein the walkway represents the smooth transition between various stages of filmmaking and, in a metaphorical sense, between many populations.
-The converted hangars, which are now studios and shooting locations, pay homage to the industrial history while integrating into a brand-new creative center. In the same way that the factories used to bring together workers from diverse areas, the movement from production to projection creates an atmosphere where people from all backgrounds can interact.

-The Film District Park offers an answer by establishing an area where artistic expression, filmmaking, and community involvement are all skillfully combined.
-The project provides a platform for cultural events and addresses the requirement for modern amenities to support Lebanon's expanding film industry.
-By restoring the Ghandour factories' historical function as a hub for engagement and integration, it also responds to the social need for a site that brings together members of many communities.

Goals and Objectives:
-Turn the Ghandour manufacturing site into a cultural center that encourages social interaction, filmmaking, and innovation.
-New facilities for movie theaters, filming locations, and film studios will help Lebanon's film industry advance.
-Create a clear path that connects the city's many areas and fosters communal unity to fix the lack of connection.
-By providing areas that promote communication and artistic interchange among various cultures, the place may close cultural barriers.
-Encourage the creation of jobs, tourism, and encouragement for creative sectors in order to boost the local economy.

-Design a walkway that symbolizes the filming process that leads guests from studios in converted hangars to the theater and movie theater.
-Convert the hangars into contemporary filming locations and film studios while preserving the area's industrial heritage.
-Encourage community involvement by providing interactive facilities for cultural events, movies, and meetings.
-Improve connection by establishing a flow of activity and connecting the park to the surrounding areas.
-To respect the site's past while maintaining long-term sustainability, using sustainable architecture.

Project description

The four primary zones which make up the Film District Park are : Industrial, Festival, Commercial, and Entertainment, each play a distinct role in the filming process & promote social interaction & cultural involvement.

- The Industrial Zone occupies the ground floor level with incorporating double-height studios, exhibition spaces, rehearsal spaces, outside shooting locations, and dressing rooms. Additionally, it has training and audition spaces, which are connected with a central corridor that leads to the theater and movie theaters.
- The Festival Zone offers a variety of event spaces and interactive sections that provide a vibrant environment for community activities & film-related festivals.
- The Commercial Zone, located on the first floor, comprises a business section with offices and more exhibition spaces, as well as post-production amenities including editing facilities. With connections to 5 other movie theaters, a theater, and virtual reality rooms, this area provides a full cinematic experience.
- The Entertainment Zone, located on the second floor, contains exhibition areas and a library. Pathways lead towards the theater, finalizing the production-to-projection process.

Technical information

-For their environmental performance and structural integrity, sustainable materials were used. These consist of eco-friendly insulating materials, wood, and repurposed steel. In order to provide natural light into important areas, including the studios and commercial spaces, the design also includes glass facades.

-Green & central courtyards are included to create gathering areas and let in natural light also increasing airflow throughout the project
-Connectivity between Peoples through courtyards, paths and facilities

Safety Measures:
-The design incorporates emergency exits, fire suppression systems, and visible signs in accordance with local building regulations and fire safety requirements.

Structure System:
-Steel Frame within Hangars: With a 16-meter span and a strong steel frame construction
-The theater's circular frames, which are held up by substantial steel frame components
-Shear walls support the cinemas, giving them solidity and resilience against stresses.


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