
Mixed Use Cultural Building

seif kanoush
Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University in Alexandria

Project idea

Asyut’s cultural park aims to fill the gap created throughout history from cultural used to everyday uses in a mixed-use building. Throughout history Asyut have been considered as the southern trading capital for having a great logistical location. As a result, Asyut heritage, tradition, and live quality is different, other consequences are inner migration to it mainly for students, besides the cities natural constrains the Nile and the mountains leaving no space for any cultural uses in separate. The projects main uses are concert hall a galleries zone and a narration building being the only in the city besides having a craft center and library creating the cultural needs, a freelance workspace based and a student workspace-based facility besides having and entertaining complex (cinema, f & b outlets and food courts.

Project description

Using the lands slope to create a underground level using its roof as an entrance solving the circulation problems created due to the relations besides creating the grid as a response to the nile side creating a panorama view along 2 sides on every form. Creating 3 main plazas cultural , entertainment and marina, created lifted intersections between forms using as shading in the landscape. Using a looped form creating a court within the project
The narration building telling the cities story as a trading capital, view the city heritage and tradition from the cities location as a trading center
The craft center for reviving the city's main crafts along history mainly Telli de tulle, carpet and wood craving between manufacturing facility and learning workshops
Workspaces creating 2 main forms mainly for students between different majors and freelancers being the only facility

Technical information

The project structure system used was post tension slaps using for the spans provided through it with no such big slap depth
Using curtain wall along all water front facades in such a climate was solved by resisting 1 meter deep to cast shadows and another 1 meter from the top and bottom reducing the curtain space by about 35%
Using tesla blocks as construction materials for its durability and heat capacity besides being zero heat and energy emissive

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