Urban Design and Landscape

A Public Recreational Space

Safiul Towfique, Mishu, Azhar, Himel, Ahnaf
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Project idea

The project will focus to objectify the needs of the city and its people by
designing a public realm in Khulna city. In this full process, the project objectives are:

01. Develop a critical understanding of Khulna city's public spaces and their culture, nature, and
02. Identify the potential space for public realm development and analyze its quality.
03. Create a 'Public Realm' for Khulna City's people that will be inclusive and accessible to all.

Design objectives are-
-Provide spaces for leisure and physical activity.
-Offer a Diverse Range of Rides and Attractions
-Ensure comfort and convenience.
-Develop passive entertainment options
-Expand green areas for relaxation, biodiversity, and climate resilience.

Project description

The public realm is important for cities because it provides space for social interaction, leisure, and cultural events. This improves the well-being of citizens and creates a sense of community. Public spaces can be squares, parks, streets, or waterways and should be accessible to all. There is a global movement to improve the quality of public spaces. The UN recommends that half of a city's surface area should be public space, but most cities fall short of that. Well-designed public spaces can reduce crime, improve health, and make cities more livable.In Khulna, Bangladesh, there is a lack of formal public space. The city is growing quickly, but there are not enough parks or squares for people to use. However, many informal open spaces could be improved and used as public spaces. This project is looking at how to design these spaces to improve the quality of life in Khulna.

Technical information

We mainly focused on using sustainable and locally available materials in the construction of this park

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