
Lights of Life: Schindler's Ark & Sustainable Village

Kreisel, Federico Guillermo, Leguizamon, Miguel Ángel, Díaz Arnedo, Román, Cueto Mas, Delfina
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán

Project idea

This factory was a refuge for many Jewish Holocaust survivors. Our idea was to represent the lives saved through lights, as a representation of the lives saved. As opposed to the use of concrete or other materials in tributes to the dead.

Project description

We seek to relate the existing building with all the other elements of the land. We incorporated an access walkway showing a monument of light posts representing the lives saved, and sought to reflect that light in a reflecting pool.

Technical information

We decided to use transparent elements (glass and white structures) to express transparency, use of natural light and differentiate what is new from what is heritage. We repeat this aspect in each site of the proposal


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