
Washing Machine / bathing in Paris' Silos

Anna Elisa Panzer, Johanna Roth
Bauhaus University (BUW), Faculty of Architecture, Weimar, Germany

Project idea

Washing Machine develops a public swimming pool at the site of
the former „Reservoirs de Passy“ in the heart of Paris, creating
space for swimming, exhibitions, and social gatherings.

Project description

By structuring related functions into different volumes, a fragmented swimming factory with a restaurant and event space is formed on the walls of the basins, making the internal organization visible and readable from the outside.

New structures penetrate the two lower floors from above, recur, and transform. Freestanding and visible technical facilities of the swimming pool on the ground floor, as well as object-like changing cabins on the first floor in the catacombs, break out and become space-forming elements.

Technical information

The secondary functions of the swimming hall and restaurant
are spatially outsourced and dock onto their reference objects in the form of various silos.

The secondary functions of the swimming pool and restaurant are spatially outsourced and dock in the form of various silos to their reference objects. Bath, slide, or bar silos define subfunctions related to the main functions, while cupboard, chair, and curtain rod continue the object-like external spatial structure inside.


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