
Healthy Island

Danny Alexander Pumisacho Tufino, Egor Orlov
RUDN University

Project idea

The idea of a project to create an island as a healthy or entertainment center is not new. Many architects have developed innovative works and achieved success in urban planning. Coney Island is an excellent example of innovation. This project was implemented by Rem Koolhaas, who designed his ideal city on the island. Was amazing how he managed to create a space for entertainment and solve social problems with innovative elements such as an electric bathtub, barrels of love, mechanical horses, skyscrapers, etc. Subsequently, other cities adopted outstanding elements and incorporated them into their models of life.

Project description

The author proposes to create a sports and recreation complex away from the city, designed for proper rest and well-being of people. Thus, he creates the "Healthy Island", which is focused on covering all areas of the recovery processes of a modern citizen. This includes not only physical care of your body, but also emotional and mental peace. Considering these aspects, spaces have been developed for the comprehensive improvement of human health in the future.
The author also proposes to create a multifunctional island. The project is inspired by the ideas of architect Rem Koolhaas, who created his ideal model of the city of the future on Coney Island. It was amazing how he managed to create a space for entertainment and solve social problems with innovative elements.
Therefore, it was decided to include various spaces in the complex that contribute to the physical, social, and emotional recovery of a person after a hard day's work. People can visit this complex and heal their body, mind, and heart, because everything they need can be found on the Healthy Island.

Technical information

The project is environmentally friendly. The glass shell of the building provides good natural light and reduces energy consumption. In addition, the structure of the complex provides a therapeutic forest, which will improve air quality and serve as a point of contact between people and nature. The water quality on the beaches will also be monitored so that people can swim, and marine biodiversity will be preserved.
In addition, each functional module is part of a single communication structure, connected by walkways, ramps and an operational roof with other building elements.

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