
Samsun Urban Renewal Project

Omer Turab Doganer
Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi

Project idea

Analysis of the concept of space as a problematic on an urban scale
In the context of the concept of open architecture; the problematic examination of the concepts of place, locality, identity, and belonging
developing programs and working on architectural design studies

The aim of the course is to develop the ability to resolve issues related to repetition, replication, and diversification, as well as the problems of open-closed and public-private spaces within an architectural grammar.

Project description

The program aims to interpret the identity unique to the city and neighborhood it is part of or seek to add identity and quality to that place/location. The project involves designing a mixed-use program where private and public functions, as well as open and closed spaces, are integrated.

The student is expected to establish a design problem based on the concepts of mass space, neighborhood, and urban identity and demonstrate the ability to resolve this problem in terms of space, composition, and detail.

Innovative searches and solutions for function and mass composition problems should be developed.

Infrastructure and installation information, connections with transportation networks, and climate data should be considered as influential factors in building design.

Solutions should be developed in accordance with zoning conditions and conservation principles and regulations.

Technical information

interpreting the identity unique to the city and neighborhood it is part of or seeking to add identity and quality to that place/location; designing a mixed-use program where private and public functions, as well as open and closed spaces, are integrated; the student is expected to establish a design problem based on the concepts of mass space, neighborhood, and urban identity and demonstrate the ability to resolve this problem in terms of space, composition, and detail.

it is clear that, contrary to the planning approach where residential and commercial areas are designed as separate zones, the integration of different functions and building types in the same area will enhance communication and diversity among social groups living in the same region and bring vitality to urban life.

while considering the main design approach of the building, analyses such as climate, environmental effects (landscape, light, sound, noise, etc.), user group and density, and energy were taken into account, and it was deemed appropriate to plan commercial functions facing fatih sultan mehmed avenue, thus preventing the residential and accommodation users from mixing with other user groups. at this point, the a la carte restaurant has served as a bridge connecting the two masses.

the residential building consisting of ground + 6 floors, the hotel building consisting of ground + 3 floors, and the public crafts center building consisting of ground + 2 floors have entrances provided from different points utilizing the existing location of the site, facilitating ease for users. the building, which will also host artistic and cultural events, will become a frequented spot for art lovers.

the inviting wide canopies on an urban scale that define the entrances also create central gathering points, providing new public spaces to the city. the masses rising gradually throughout the building are important in terms of re-questioning scale and proportion within the architectural composition and emphasizing the perception of the approach to the structure.


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