
Above Water Sundsvall

Kateřina Švrčulová
FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture
Czech Republic

Project idea

The subject of this proposal is modular affordable housing under the bridge. Dead spots are often found under bridges around the world and one of possible solutions can be housing. The area of construction site is defined by bridge structure. For this proposal I chose highway bridge in Swedish city Sundsvall.

Project description

The bridge is located on the coast and crosses the sea bay in the hearth of Sundsvall. The segments between columns, rather near the bases, will be occupied with residential units, while the middle part of the bridge will remain free in order to maintain easy and safe passage of larger ships. I focused primarily on the northern base of the bridge.

The apartment complex is suspended under the bridge high above the water level. At first glance, the contrasting red lattice structure that supports apartments catches your eye. The individual modular units have white façade with wood relief and French windows offering a view of the sea bay. The combination of red and white reflects wooden Nordic architecture. The pairs of flats are shifted in relation of each other and in resulted niches are flowerpots stationed near the railing.

At the foot of first pillar there is a staircase and glass elevator that leads to the upper floor of the apartment complex, then a corridor follows up that continues on the outer side past individual apartments. Between each group of units there is a staircase to the lower floor, as well as public areas with seating and café or refreshments. There are two types of units here, single-storey and two-storey. Two-storey apartments are for up to 4 persons (a family with two children for example) and are entered directly from corridor. In the upper floor there is a living room with kitchenette and a pantry, and a toilet. The stairs at the back leads to the lower floor where there is a quiet area. From the hallway you enter to the master bedroom with closet, children’s room and bathroom. From both bedrooms there is an access to the balcony. The entrance to the single storey apartment for 2 persons is from the area with staircase to the back of the apartment. The hall is followed by bathroom and living room with kitchenette. Through living room, you can reach bedroom with closet. In the apartments on the lower floor, there is an access to the balcony from living room and bedroom. The windows of units are oriented to the west and east.

Technical information

A separate lattice structure is created around concrete pillars of the bridge, encased in concrete to preserve the expression of pillars, to which a red load-bearing lattice structure is hinged. This load-bearing structure is hung on rods from the bridge deck in several places to lighten the load. Two prestressed concrete slabs are inserted into the lattice structure, which loads it in order to reduce effects of the wind. On the slabs lies apartment units made of wooden CLT panels with insulation and additional fireproof layer.


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