
Urban Silens

Maria Agostina Padula, Maria Camila Dip, Juan Santiago Muñoz, Agostina Ciocci
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán

Project idea

The idea of the project is to create spaces that allow people to pause, stop to learn about, and commemorate history

Project description

Brnenec is a small village of rural character, whose structure has a marked linearity, causing growth along its main roads. River, street, buildings, train tracks and vegetation are linear elements that flow and invite movement. We believe that, to live the place, feel it and know its history, it is necessary to stop, make a pause. In the site, the memories are protagonists that remain and sprout of the architecture. The pause involves silence, but a silence loaded with messages. The resource we take to materialize the pause, is the void, which allows us to generate places to stop, make memory and learn the history.. We specify 3 voids, one of patrimonial and symbolic character "the memory void"; another located in a strategic point of connection in the middle of the site, which has civic activities "the civic void"; and a third one located on the south sector, aiming towards the future growth of the city. Each one is accompanied by a linear element, acting as urban scale equipment. These elements give places for encounter, recreation, reflection and the link with nature. They become part of the structure of the city that allows the transversal link of the town, crossing its marked linear flows.

Technical information

For the development of the housing sector, we consider that homes should emerge from a module of 3.5m x 3.5m, where various activities such as cooking, sleeping, living, studying, etc., can take place. The idea of creating a non-hierarchical module allows the user to assign it the function they need according to their lifestyle, age, and requirements. This way, housing can adapt to different situations by changing the function of the modules as individuals or families require. Moreover, this module can be subdivided to serve auxiliary functions such as bathrooms, overflow areas, or expansion of existing modules.

We have proposed two modes of living: Coliving and Cohousing, for the development of three different typologies:

Typologies A and B are designed for Cohousing. Both feature fixed modules at the ends, which house the wet cores (bathroom and kitchen facilities). Towards the center, there are modules with flexible uses. This way, residents can acquire a wet core plus as many modules as they deem necessary. Additionally, at the front, a row of modules is planned to allow for the expansion of the housing units.

Typology C was designed for coliving. It consists of minimal housing units with a wet core, bedroom, storage space, and private overflow area. On the other hand, activities such as cooking, recreation, and communal living occur in common areas


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