
Project for the renovation of Oskar Schindler's factory into a multifunctional complex in the village of Brnenets (Czech Republi

Ekaterina Gradova
Vologda State Technical University, Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Vologda
Russian Federation

Project idea

The main idea of ​​the project is to update and preserve historical memory. It is important to convey historical information so that it is accurate and accessible to modern people. The goal of the project is to remember the past, but create conditions for life in the present. People should feel that the factory was a refuge for Jews and not a place of extermination. Unlike the Jewish Museum in Berlin, which makes people feel the plight of the Jews in the concentration camp, this project proposes to use methods that will allow people to feel free and happy, as the Jews who escaped persecution felt.
Each function of the project has its own emotional coloring. A person’s emotions change as he moves from one functional area to another, from one color scheme to another, from a illuminated area to a darkened area. After a rather emotionally difficult museum space, a person finds himself in a green space where he can relax and unwind, and returns home in a significantly improved mood. These green areas serve as a kind of buffer, an area for relaxation and recuperation. During his stay in them, a person is distracted by the contemplation of natural beauty and encounters new functional areas, such as an art center, a place for meditation or a children's playground.

Project description

The main design urban planning solution is the creation
a new village centre, by being included in the transport, social and cultural structure. To increase pedestrian flow, the project proposes to create a network of additional routes through the factory territory. For this purpose, a pedestrian bridge is being designed across the Svitava River, new pedestrian paths are being created, and old ones are being repaired.
On the territory of the factory itself, the functional model assumes
that different zones will interact with each other, creating a synergistic effect. For example, a museum may attract visitors from offices and public areas. The housing is separated from the noisy part with public places by commercial objects: a fair house, a store
and a hostel. This way all the functions will work together to create
harmonious and functional space.
As part of the reconstruction of the factory, it is planned to carry out a set of works aimed at restoring the original appearance of the building and improving its operational characteristics.
Reconstruction activities include:
- replacement of windows;
- cleaning and replacing old bricks;
- improved lighting.
These measures will not only preserve the historical appearance of the factory, but also provide comfortable conditions for working and staying inside the building.
Reconstruction of the factory is an important part of its development. It will preserve the historical heritage and create a modern space for work and leisure.
When designing the facades of residential buildings, architectural solutions were applied, inspired by the Villa Tugendhat, created by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in Brno, Czech Republic
These solutions include the use of white lightweight facades set against a green hill, stained glass glazing and terracing

Technical information

Plot area, hectares - 7.3 hectares
Additional improvement area, m² - 2200
New development area, m² - 4890
Total construction area, m² - 6200
Total area of ​​all buildings, including reconstruction, m² - 26735
Area of ​​demolished buildings, m² - 2168
Percentage of development, % - 8
Building Ratio (BCR) - 0.3
Building density ratio (FAR) - 0.6
Number of apartments - 118
Population density, people/ha - 26
Total living area, m² - 19560
Area of ​​factory buildings, m² - 21845
Number of parking spaces, pcs. - 153

Construction of the residential complex:
The walls are framed from laminated veneer lumber. Edged bars, softwood, length 4-6.5 m, width 40 - 150 mm, thickness 100, 125 mm, grade II. Glued laminated timber, pine, not profiled, with cut cups, section 400x400 mm. Exterior finish: plaster.
The ceiling is framed from a wooden frame. Frame joists made of dry calibrated wood, 50x115 mm, humidity not more than 19%. Filling the frame with Penoplex. Installation of waterproofing using roll materials. General purpose plywood made of hardwood veneer, waterproof, FC, grade II/IV, thickness 12 mm


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