

Ismete Januzi, Valmir Zymeri, Arion Prushi
University of Prishtina

Project idea

The purpose of this project is to perpetuate the effort and sacrifice of Oskar Schindler. To achieve this in the form of the most natural and efficient materials, the project includes the past (The Villa), the present (Residential Buildings) and the future (The Pavilion).

Project description

We have built residential buildings that are made in modules made from wood and ecological materials, which can be organized in different forms/types and meet the needs of everyone. They are flexible whether 1 person or 5 people live there, they can be rearranged.

Technical information

As for the construction, we tried to use eco-friendly materials so we used wood. We also used a special method in the floor construction which allows the apartments to be even more flexible.


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