

Juaira Sizdah
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Project idea

This project aims at making the Paal community economically empowered by making the terracotta production process relevant ,more sustainable, energy efficient,cost effective, and make scopes of trade and vocal training ,community development ,upgrading livelihood, and thus reconnecting to the history of the glorious past of this community.

Project description

The PAAL terracotta artisans started their contribution in the field of craftsmanship long ago in Asian subcontinent. One part of this community still resides in my site in shatkhira. In ancient time ,PAAL community used to be solvent as their craftsmanship were valued worldwide. And as a community they were culturally enriched,skilled and exemplified as great artisans but with the advancement of other terracotta industries ,who produced quality products in less expense and labour, gained much acceptance for the permanence,and as the PAAL lacked those ,many artisans left their profession in search of better income source.
So ,I dream of reviving the terracotta, by identifying the faults of production process, that lack permanence,makes the process less sustainable ,and create scopes for trade and training through fair and exhibition,visitors entries. Education,and skill development for processing a generation of great artisans who will rely on and enhance their pride.
Attracting visitors to enlighten them by witnessing the process of this craftmanship. making opportunities for trade.
At the same time, preserving their cultural essence ,Also developing their households as a whole .
As a result ,when terracotta is revived in more relevant and sustainable production process that is no harmful for the environment, recycling and waste management of raw materials,and ensuring the quality of finished products,the community can rely on this. Skilled artisans who can economically empower through the scopes of trade ,training, exhibition, fair, tourism,and their households are also developed by ensuring spaces for women workers ,and solving existing problems.As a whole the community will regain their past glory and reconnect to the history of paal community through the revival of terracotta.

Technical information

locally produced,sustainable,enviroment friendly,cost effective

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