Interior Design

The Portable Residence

Anhalt university of applied sciences, Dessau

Project idea

Its true that proper sleep cycles are important for all of us, but there are some people, who just cannot sacrifice there sleep cycles at any point of life, For instance, The Long route truck and bus drivers. As because of the their job’s nature these people are always very concern about their sleep cycles, they just cannot afford to feel drowsy in the middle of a ride. Most of them sleep in their vehicles only with very uncomfortable conditions and they get up with very less alertness for the next day to again drive vehicles but still they do that as they can’t skip their duties. This proposal is targeting this issue with a solution which resolve both problems, first to provide a portable space where drivers can sleep properly at any time of the day and second to provide an environment which can provide the adequate amount of circadian rhythms.

Project description

The project is small and portable house for the people like long route drivers or anyone who needs a quick place to sleep when they are away from their house. This portable device holds a nice and cozy space for sleeping along with basic amenities like small water storage and a WC which can be changed as per the needs of the users. Its small and unique design makes it very economical and affordable for all segments of users. Even people on camping can use this house and can getup with a circadian healthy sleep.

Technical information

The users can either use an opaque fabric or transparent sheet which ensures a one way exposure to the surroundings for the users to maintain privacy. The coverings of potable house comes with pores which ensures maximum ventilation for the users during sleep time. The PV cells attached on the top surface ensures to provide users a healthy circadian lighting to maintain their sleep cycles.

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