

Nada Oraiqat, Nour Al-anati, Farah Al-najada
Balqa applied university

Project idea

The idea of this project is to create a space for startups, researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs to meet, exchange ideas, and work on advanced projects. offer access to cutting-edge technology and equipment, promote professional growth, and foster networking. This center inspires young people to engage in developing an innovative society.

Project description

The innovation process became the foundation for organizing the project, including defining and distributing zones on the site, to connect the user's journey in innovation with their experience within the project.

The project consists of 3 zones:
1. Education 2. Commercial 3. Entertainment zone

The project's design is aimed at enhancing human experience within the building, fostering curiosity and delight. This deliberate approach promotes exploration and innovation, ultimately enhancing productivity and success. By integrating this concept with the natural elements of the site, it achieves optimal efficiency in the allocation of functional zones.

Exploded Diagram

The circulation in the project differs for inventors and users. Inventors pass through educational zones, laboratories, collaboration areas, marketing, shops, and entertainment zones. Other users start at the entrance courtyard, move through the main courtyard, and head to the entertainment zone.

Site Plan

Entrances were chosen considering traffic flow. Noise and sunlight were considered in building placement due to sensitivity in some areas. Courtyards and terraces were added to improve ventilation and connect with nature.


Each zone was given a dedicated space, interconnected by bridges, covered walkways, and glass partitions. To enhance the connection with nature, terraces were incorporated, serving as work and relaxation areas. Safety systems were thoroughly considered, with staircases and emergency exits added for efficient evacuation.

sections (Visual Connectivity)

Creating diverse visual scenarios was essential for the project. This was achieved through double-height spaces indoors, outdoor bridges and terraces, and the use of glass to connect interior and exterior spaces.


For light-sensitive functions, a double facade was used, with the second layer being a concrete shell. This effectively blocks sunlight, while the space between the facades provides excellent ventilation throughout all enclosed areas.

Technical information

The building's main materials include:
- Glass fiber reinforced concrete
- Micro concrete
- Solar control reflective glass

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