
Home-manity (Humanity's Home)

Franc Obguia
Cebu Institute of Technology – University (CIT-U), College of Engineering and Architecture, Cebu City

Project idea

Architects, Urban Planners, and Engineers around the world are looking for answers to some of the most pressing questions of our time. How can we, citizens of our planet, live together happily in the future? Where is there room for the future anyway?

Urban densification in the modern era has traditionally looked like countless high-rise buildings packed into a small geographical space. It is the classic image of urbanization in most cities here in Asia. This kind of building system isolates people from their environment and reduces the chance of encounters with other people.

Project description

HOME-MANITY is a visionary community housing project nestled in an urban landscape, drawing inspiration from the distinctive contour lines of the Chocolate Hills in the Province of Bohol. These natural formations have been translated into the architectural design of the buildings, each mirroring the unique shapes of the hills. The project embodies a system-based solution that is not only adaptable to various locations but also flexible enough to accommodate diverse social structures. The primary objective of HOME-MANITY is to revolutionize the concept of urban housing, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. The innovative design seeks to establish new strategies and ideas for future urban dwellings. The integration of the hills' contours into the structure serves as a symbolic bridge, connecting inhabitants with the natural world and promoting a sustainable and balanced lifestyle. Within this design, floors are seamlessly linked by ramps, accessible through micro-mobility transportation. Ascending through the building echoes the experience of hiking a hill, allowing residents to interact with their environment and fostering a sense of connection with nature. Expansive pathways further enhance the living experience, providing ample space for recreational activities that promote overall wellness.

Integrating biomimicry from the termite mound's cooling system. Inside the building, low-power fans pull in cool air from outside and disperse it throughout living units. The concrete blocks absorb the cold, insulating the structure and chilling the circulating air, constantly cooling the interiors of the building. When morning comes and temperatures rise, warm air is vented up through the ceiling and released by the openings near the ceiling. It will also increase the safety of the users when it comes to healthcare. It will reduce the spread of bacteria and the accumulation of pollutants indoors.

Home-manity stands as a testament to sustainable living, where bamboo pavilions offer more than just shelter; they provide a tangible connection to nature, creating spaces that harmonize with their surroundings. The use of energy-efficient Low-E Glass not only fills interiors with natural light but also exemplifies a commitment to intelligent design, optimizing illumination while minimizing environmental impact.

Technical information

On the technological forefront, Solar Panel roofing transforms Home-manity into a self-sufficient energy hub, capturing sunlight to power the residence sustainably. Inside, Nippon Paints, carefully selected for their low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), infuse vibrant colors while fostering a healthy indoor environment. Complementing this, including high thermal mass concrete, ensures a cozy and energy-efficient ambiance, embodying a holistic approach to sustainable construction. This thoughtful curation of materials enhances the project's eco-friendly profile and crafts a living space that seamlessly blends comfort and environmental consciousness.


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