Urban Design and Landscape

Whoever saves a life, saves the world entire

Sofia Ibañez, Macarena Sanchez, Lucila Del Guercio
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán

Project idea

1. Respect for history seekingcomplement of an old building withmodern materials, with a deeprespect for history and architectureoriginal.The complement of an old building withmodern materials. It is a process ofrenovation or restoration in whichincorporate elements and materialscontemporaries in a structurearchitecture that was originallybuilt with materials and methodstraditional. This approach has asgoal of preserving and revitalizing a buildingold, maintaining its historical appearancewhile improving its functionality and efficiency.

2. The past marks our future. Our reflection, shows the good parts as well as the bad. We are what we do,We are moments, a set ofExperiences and actions that determine the daya day. History challenges us, nowe must forget, it helps us not to repeaterrors and crimes. We are a set of fragments and realities. We must purify and remember, grow with them. Improve as humans throughour own reflection, for the past, forfamily members, for those people who alreadyThey're not here.

As a final concept.
This structuring axis begins to materialize. Creates large overflows in public spaces. This ensures that each piece that composes it is understood as something necessary and that it works together. Something unitary. Where nothing can be removed, “unplugged from that axis” since everything has a meaning, an overflow, a communication and a path.

Project description

Northern sector :
In the Northern Sector, the project reconstructs historic buildings using the latest technologies focused on restoration. It houses a modern museum to promote interaction with history, dedicated to survivors. Schindler's Ark building was partially restored, has three floors, which includes an amphitheater, events, films and seminars. The Nazi Soldier building has undergone considerable restoration, including the roof.would provide space for tourist information offices. Both buildings surround the Plaza of Reflection, which alludes to the moment where the Jews gave the ring to Schindler. In this sector, a large public pocket is created as an overflow of the memorial museum, the Plaza de la Memoria in commemoration of those Jews not recognizable in the Holocaust. It is a large forest limited by the same natural context, the Svitava River.
Our idea is the basis of this organization, Revitalize and Reflect. Reflect the history of the past and revitalize it.

Southern sector :
The South Sector is made up of demolished buildings and the last two buildings standing. The project restores them and creates a set of sustainable community homes as a complement to the cultural infrastructure, which seeks to satisfy the demand of the region. Where the building relates to the nature of the place, creating a friendly landscape. It has 5 floors of apartments and multi-generational units for young families and seniors. Community life is promoted, with social, flexible and comfortable spaces. The restored buildings combine the needs of the inhabitants. They house a market, a cafe, and offices for common use. Here we can find a large public pocket that can be explored through a walkway and trays that connect with the Northern Sector, creating a transversal route through the city. It is a friendly way to connect the existing with the new, without creating barriers while achieving meaning. All this embraced by the city's natural stream as a form of natural containment for this project.

Technical information

The building is materialized with the combination of modern materials, glass, and regional materials, wood.
Taking into account the original materials of the pre-existing construction, brick, to preserve and maintain the essence of what the factory once was.


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