
Modern kindergarten

Valentyn Tonyk
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

Project idea

The idea of ​​the project is to create a comfortable place, the main task of which is to ensure the comprehensive development of preschool children. Kindergarten between the trees ensures children an ecologically clean place with plenty of free space for physical activity

Project description

The concept combine two blocks of different styles: a modernist ground floor, finished with white plaster with japanese-style windows, and an upper floor, the facades of which are made of pine boards on all sides. the entire shape shows that the building does not have to be in one style, but can beautifully combine several.

Technical information

The construction of the building is made of aerated concrete and pin wood on the floor facades. Regarding the form, it is one of the interconnected rectangles of the solid, inverted be 26.5 degrees. The kindergarten uses 5 passive solutions that will support the sustainable functioning of the kindergarten:
1. Sufficient sunlight in the afternoon for the central zones through a large skylight that helps plants grow property, and correct without excess sunlight in the teaching rooms in the afternoon, because they are located on the south-eastern side.
2. Air ventilation and cooling through an element in the roof-a skylight, which has 8/2 opening windows.
3. Cleansing the air of carbon dioxide+reducing dust and increasing air humidity through internal pots with various types of plants.
4. Home biological sewege treatment plant.
5. A rainwater tank from which water is supplied to all rooms as gray water. Water, in turn, is drawn from the rain from the green roof, which covers about 70% of the building
Also several solutions used in the building: windows with many glasses for easy use, opening, aesthetics of the facade; calm pastel colors along with the use of pine wood to meet the needs of children’s clergy; curtain walls in the corridors on the ground floor and first floor to look after children in the internal and external garden from a different side.

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