Interior Design

Design of St. Joseph Church Jatirogo Using Locality & Identity Approach by ezN Studio

Eugenia Shineeca
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra)

Project idea

Renovation project of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Jatirogo, aims to facilitate the needs of its increasing members by paying attention not only to space requirements for various activities but also its harmony with simple & traditional surroundings, through locality identity approach, because the ground principle of architecture involves not only about the building but also the building's relationship with its surrounding.

Project description

“BEYOND PILLARS” is a concept that reflects the church's identity through the combination of culture, natural resources, and history with modernity. The exterior combines Javanese traditional Joglo house features and carved wooden pillars with the more modern existing building. Joglo house itself are open spaces commonly used as village atriums facing gardens and/or plants. This concept combined with the resources, especially teak wood and its craftsmanship as a commodity in Jatirogo, and the addition of accessible rooftop terrace & gardens for public, portrays not only locality & identity but also human & nature balance. The open access to the rooftop terrace also aligns with the Catholic Church’s inclusive nature, and the terrace partially intersects with Joglo roof, blending local & modern elements, creating church's unique identity.

Additionally, the design also considers the historical & cultural aspects of the Catholic Church which are implemented in its interior layout that resembles a cross with the altar as its focal point combined with the usage of symmetrical elements. The need for a larger space in a limited site means the building needs to expand vertically through the addition of mezzanine floor especially in public areas, such as: nave & multipurpose hall, providing a modern touch to the primary Catholic Church layout.

Technical information

Combining Javanese traditional Joglo house features such as roof and carved wooden pillars with the modern plaster existing building. Not only that, utilizing Jatirogo's commodity, especially teak wood and its craftsmanship, the majority of the church's interior elements such as ceiling & furniture designed to be made out of teak wood

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