Interior Design

saving Schindler's Ark

Alena Koshkoreva

Project idea

The aim of the project is to design a functional space from the historical heritage of an abandoned factory into a modern museum.
- to analyze the design object and the customer's requirements;
- create and analyze an analog series, develop a mudboard;
- develop planning solutions;
- complete a package of project documentation;
- perform 3D visualization.

Project description

The basis for the idea of the museum's exhibition space is Steven Spielberg's film "Schindler's List". Exhibits based on the film are used, the black-and-white atmosphere is reflected in the shades of the interior. Choosing this concept will help to evoke an emotional state by walking through the halls of the museum. The film describes in detail the history of wartime and the Holocaust, which contributes to the selection of exhibits and the names of halls such as "Filmoscope", "Memory in textiles", "Back to the Past", "110,000 hours" and "The Holocaust".

Technical information

The planning solution of the ground floor was developed taking into account the necessary premises for employees and visitors of the museum. The list of rooms for the floor includes a dressing room, a reception, a waiting area, a souvenir shop, a buffet, a storehouse, rooms for the possibility of expanding the storehouse, a walk-through area, office premises for employees to relax and prepare for an excursion. The furniture is used in simple shapes in light shades.
The planning solution for the 1st floor was developed based on the requirements of the competition. The necessary exhibits are distributed by subject and halls. Five exhibition halls "Filmoscope", "Memory in textiles" have been developed, "Back to the Past", "110,000 Hours" and "The Holocaust". The arrangement of exhibits and furniture is made taking into account traffic flows and ergonomic requirements.
There are places for information kiosks where you can independently study the information you are interested in.
The third floor was designed for watching movies, holding conferences and lectures. The floor includes such rooms as a cinema hall, conference room No. 1, conference room No. 2, a bathroom, office space and a control cabin. The idea of the cinema hall was to create a convenient and comfortable place to watch movies, upholstered furniture was used instead of the usual places used in cinemas. The conference rooms are different in terms of furniture, one of the halls has a rostrum with soft cushions, and there are separate seats in the chairs. In the second hall, the main position is occupied by a negotiating table for eight people.

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