Urban Design and Landscape


Karen Fayola
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra)

Project idea

A green neighborhood in the heart of Surabaya, which focuses on well being, community building, and emotional wellness. With three different recreation parks with different themes for different occasion such as botanical garden, tenant, sports, and promenade, people are able to live healthier through new habits such as walking and cycling especially in Surabaya

Project description

This project covers 8,300m2 where three types of houses made by prefabrication are built. With three different sizes and cheaper price, people are able to accelerate their consumption with affordable price, durability, and sustainability. Community building is also encourage through parks and recreation where three different parks are linked by an organic jogging track. Each parks are also equipped with transportation hub where buses can stop to pick up people going in and out to their surroundings such as school, markets, and hospital.

Technical information

The construction for the house is made of light steel and prefabricated walls where the panels are able to withstand heat and place themselves amongts a 12 level earthquake. The site plan is built with a green conbstruction in mind where all materials are locally sent. The parks are equipped with self cleaning filter to rinse the rain water from each houses to be used again to water the plants inside the site plan. Solar panels are also included in each houses where they are able to provide additional electricity with less cost.


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