
FoodCourt PadiPop Eatery With in-Depth Green Architecture

Sulthan Rafy Athallah
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra)

Project idea

This project is a food court where I wanted to create a building that not only creates an environmentally friendly building, but also provides a green space that refreshes and adds beauty to visitors. Thus, this design creates a dynamic, beautiful, and environmentally friendly atmosphere holistically, which makes it an interesting experience in eating food.

Project description

The solution for this project is to use a green architecture approach where green architecture is a design and construction approach that aims to reduce negative impacts on the environment by using resources efficiently, minimizing pollution, and creating a healthy environment for residents. The principles include energy efficiency through good insulation and use of renewable energy, selection of environmentally friendly and local materials, water conservation through rainwater collection systems and water-saving fixtures, and improved indoor air quality with good ventilation and non-toxic building materials. Passive design takes advantage of natural conditions such as natural lighting and ventilation, while green spaces such as roof gardens and green walls increase biodiversity and absorb CO2. Efficient waste management and smart technologies for energy and water management are also key elements.

Technical information

There is a skylight in the building to utilize natural light, for the glass itself using glass from Asahimas Flatt Glass Planibal G which is designed for energy efficiency where this glass offers optimal thermal insulation without sacrificing transparency and neutrality.


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