

Lucas Ferreira dos Reis
Mackenzie Presbyterian University, UPM, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Sao Paulo

Project idea

The idea of ​​the embassy project was to bring a proposal of horizontal and backward architecture, which established a transition relationship for users and visitors, essential for the embassy theme. I have tried to create harmonious spaces, pleasant and propitious for the activities that will be destined, choosing a simple but strong materiality. I solved the program in such a way as to create the best possible relationship between flows and provide the best architectural experience. Finally, I created elements that represented diplomacy between the two nations, such as the cobogó. This and other information are available in the images.

Project description

The project is essentially divided into 5 volumes. The main volume is the Official Embassy Building, which houses the meeting areas and the Offices. At its side is a building totally destined for residence. The Visa and Consular Department is a volume attached to the lot, but turned to the outside, as required in the program. Lastly, there is the Pantry Area and the Technical Area.

Technical information

The design idea was thought of with the structural materiality being composed of apparent reinforced concrete. The coverage of the Official Embassy Building is a system of concrete grills, and the rest of the finishes and closings are divided between wood, masonry and glass.
More specifications like design sizing available in the images.


No co-authors in this proposal.

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