
Eco Working Rental Office

Michelle Jannes Wahono
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana

Project idea

Surabaya, specifically on Simpang Dukuh Street, Tegalsari, is a business district with high economy income. This area is surrounded by diverse facilities such as offices, malls, hotels, cultural heritage sites, and other functions. In the context of the region, The observation indicates that both business professionals and the local community find this area appealing for both business and recreational reasons. Consequently, the concept of establishing furnished office spaces . This has the potential to enhance economic vitality within the region.

This rental office is equipped with co-working space and several types of office layouts that can be alternatives for its users. This type of office has its own worker capacity depending on the type of company.

Because this office is located in a high economic center, the addition of a secondary function in the form of a mini mall can support the rental office function. Employees can visit mini malls as a means of entertainment.

The use of a roof garden and several openings in the middle of the building serves to reduce carbon gas in the middle of the urban city and provide workers with communal space to rest. Apart from that, the central opening can also be used to channel air that hits the high rise for structural stability.

The use of striped facades is also taken from the context of an area that uses many striped elements in its buildings. So, this building is more integrated with its environment. The use of facades can also reduce solar glare entering the room to maximize work productivity

Project description

1. The lobby is the first public area presented in this office building, providing lots of seating facilities and a cafe as a waiting room
2. Co-working for areas to gather and work dynamically and interact socially
3. Cafe as a resting area
4. Rental Office types 1-4
5. Office Garden for resting areas and communal areas
6. Rooftop garden
7. Retail and shopping mall in secondary building.

Technical information

Location: Surabaya
Land Area: 8338 m2
Buildings area: 4169 m2

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