
"A Million Buds" ; Empowerment & Facilitation Center Combating Child Labour

Sanggavi Thomas
City School of Architecture (CSA), Colombo
Sri Lanka

Project idea

"A Million Buds"

A project dedicated to millions of under-privileged children world wide...

Questions led at the inception of this project,
1. Why nowadays, do we lack "Empathy" in design?
2. Why nowadays, architecture is a "Luxury" than a "necessity"?
2. How do I have the power to enhance the life of another "human being in need"?

Every human being has once come from being a child. Every child deserves a shelter, love, care and education and most of us had the luxury of growing up in a comfortable space.

There are Millions of Children world wide who do not have this luxury...

1. Before and during the pandemic...
2. In the post-pandemic era...
3. Current world conflicts ...
4. Current economic crisis...

Child labor had surged by a staggering 8.4 million children over the last four years. (WHO Report)

This alarming statistic is becoming a major concern as young souls from less privileged backgrounds are forced to abandon their dreams and ambitions, all for the sake of survival.

This project showcases the transformative power of architecture in combating child labor/ and supporting the children in need for a brighter future. Demonstrating how the built environment could bring about positive change by empowering children.

Becoming an example to the world...
Serving as a beacon of hope for children.

Concept formulation

The core concept of this project is a simple chance to,

Like a leaf growing in the mud...
"Celebrate childhood"...

How can we necessitate this need?

By Creating an environment where trapped young minds can grow from the harsh and rigid circumstances, they find themselves in, allowing them to bud in a more nurturing and vibrant world where life is truly celebrated.

Together, we can inspire, uplift, and shape these damaged lives so they can thrive in the future.

“Children are our Future"


The Vision of this project is to celebrate childhood, empowering these young souls to embrace their dreams and aspirations, knowing that they have the support and encouragement of a larger community.

Creating spaces where young minds can flourish and their unique talents and perspectives are valued and nurtured.

“Architecture is a celebration to all”

Site and Location

Site - "An Abandon Quarry"
(Where the children used work and play - adaptive reuse)

District - Rattota Road, Matale
Country - Sri Lanka

Project description

Project Scope & Project Brief

Stage 1
> Wilderness/ Garden area
> Grown Eatery by the community
> Entrance Lobby

This gateway, physically and emotionally, converts a place they used to see as dull and lifeless into a place of wellness, colored by nature.

Stage 2
> Inspiration Gallery
> Multisensory Learning
> Group Learning
> Outdoor Amphitheatre - outdoor play and learning

The space progresses from the entrance into an inspiration zone where children are inspired by modern technologies. The building promotes giving children personal space, and space connect with one another.

Stage 3
> Central courtyard
> Hands on activity workshops
> Readers corner
> Technology corner

The child is allowed to grow with the assistance of educated people, coming closer to one another, exchanging ideas, discovering their talents, and executing their creativity into reality.

Stage 4
> Incubation with external organizations
> Talent discovery and nourishment

The child is allowed to showcase their talents and creativity to the outside world, collaborate with professional bodies, be a part of a non-profit organization, and better help their families.

Floor levels
The building is designed closer to the earth, having two levels,
1. ground level
2. lower ground level

Contextual Response
> The planning is spaced out and elongated in relation to the neighboring urban fabric, such that it merges into the layered land, the old quarry reading as one.

> An approach is taken with the natural curves as an open pavilion type.

Technical information

> Wasted material from the mine
> Discarded dolomitic lime
> Natural rubble and stones
> Lime bricks have been re-used in this building for a sense of familiarity for these children.

Energy conservation
"Humanizing energy" - the building becomes human centric, less energy than it produces by,
> Solar farm roof
> Hydropower
> Passively ventilated courtyards
> Excess energy can be collected and distributed to the families.

Technological advancement
> The building is designed to interact with us through AI.
> The AI helps stimulate what they see, hear, and feel, enhancing their learning experience.
> Every child is given the opportunity to new technological trends such as virtual and augmented reality and building automation.
> Remote access to the building, having a chance to learn virtually.
> AI controlled interior, ceiling, and walls
(That detect the atmosphere and sets the ambience inside the building reflecting the real-time nature outside)

> Sri Lanka’s indigenous tropical color wheel a part of the building
> An earthy pastel shade inspired by their quarries
> The building feels submissive to nature and helps a child heal
> The building has pastel aesthetics such that it becomes a backdrop welcoming rain and sunshine into the building.
> The AI controlled interior emits changing pastel colors against lime texture.

Lifespan of the project

> Stage 1
Educating the community and their children about the transformation of the abandon land and lives.

> Stage 2
Participatory construction, with the children as observers.
Construction will be done using local materials, with lime and stone being the base materials.

> Stage 3
Usage of the building , where the children use the building like their second home.

> Stage 4
The building will age gracefully, making the land a green patch that can be used as a green public park in the urban fabric.


If we really think about it....... childhood is the best time of our lives...
It's when we run, play, learn, and celebrate...
We can wash off the mud today, but can we wash off the memories?

Let's all put ourselves in their shoes and give our brothers and sisters a helping hand, allowing them to speak through us and rebuild our young civilization.

A Project By,
Sanggavi Thomas.
Bachelor of Architecture, Sri Lanka.

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