
The Metaballarium

Ali Baghizadeh, Aramdokht Jabbari
Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Faculty of Arts and Architecture
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

Human activities increase the concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide gas causes an increase in the global mean temperature, and it causes the melting of glaciers and ice caps, leading to sea level rise. It is estimated that if the Greenland ice sheet melts completely, the sea level may rise about 6 m, while the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet may cause a sea level rise of about 60 m. It is estimated that Antarctica's ice sheet alone can contribute more than a meter of sea level rise by the year 2100 and more than 15 m by the year 2500. As the sea level rises, the land area submerged in water increases. Due to the decrease in the inhabitable land area, the carrying capacity of the human population declines. Plus an irreparable increase in human population brings out the necessity of new living spaces across the world. It is imperative for humanity to prepare for these looming challenges and potential future scenarios. Failure to devise suitable solutions could result in catastrophic consequences for future generations, including the loss of the planet’s last habitable spaces.

Project description

The designer aims to establish a forward-thinking architectural paradigm, harnessing the transformative power of water, to envision a habitat for human life deep within the ocean. This innovative lifestyle not only shields humans from environmental hazards but also opens up boundless opportunities to explore marine ecosystems. The designer has endeavored to construct an aquatic habitat that could serve as a refuge for climate refugees for a projected period of 50 to 200 years into the future.
The designer perceives this aquatic habitat not as an entity separate from its surrounding environment—the sea—but as a living organism. With its adaptive capabilities, it embodies a responsive architecture to change, (a defining characteristic of the future), and is equipped to maintain its stability against environmental challenges posed by climate change.
This habitat operates based on the symbiotic relationship between form and function, adjusting its scale, strength, shape, and other features to adapt to the environment and cater to the structural needs of its inhabitants. This presents a practical strategy for expanding living space. In this manner, new paths, spaces, and diverse experiences are created that are not confined to a single place or form. Instead, its interior and exterior are adaptable and flexible, constantly evolving based on human needs.
By designing curved interior spaces and emulating the natural flow of water, it encourages humans to explore the emotions that should be the focal point of architecture.

Technical information

The aquatic habitat is conceptualized to operate akin to a living organism, intelligently adapting to environmental vicissitudes. This adaptability is facilitated by the use of smart, controllable materials that are both flexible and malleable, enabling the habitat to modify its scale, strength, shape, and other attributes in response to human and environmental interactions.
Given the project’s unique features, it is posited that the amalgamation of current technologies could facilitate the achievement of the project’s objectives. These technologies encompass Fluid Crystallization, 3D/4D multi-material printing, thermally active Auxetics materials, BioMolecular Self-Assembly, phase-changing materials, and molecular motors. These systems and technologies enable comprehensive planning for a wide array of materials to alter shape, appearance, or other features as required.
Moreover, this design harnesses renewable energy sources to meet essential human needs, including water, food, energy, and light. This approach not only reduces our dependence on non-renewable energies but also curtails the production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, thereby playing a pivotal role in preserving water purity.


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