
Embassy of the Czech Republic

Gishchenko Elizaveta
MArchI, Moscow Architectural Institute – State Academy
Russian Federation

Project idea

The image of carved St. George’s Church in Ethiopia, which rises from the ground, and Czech Republic’s fame for producing glass underpin the image of the embassy of the Czech Republic, which I tried to form. I wanted to create the image of the illusory crystal castle, which rises from the ground and vanishes towards the sky. Ditches around buildings create mystifying impression of soaring castle and vertical lamels make buildings resemble Czech castles.

Project description

1. Site and entrances.
Four buildings are located on the site of the embassy plot: official embassy building with visa and consular center, residence of the ambassador, apartments’ building and social housing.
1. Entrance to the official part of the embassy is in the south – east part of the plot.
2. Entrance to the visa and consular center – south border (center).
3. Entrance to parking and section D of embassy’s offices – south border (in the left part).
4. Entrances to apartments building and social housing are located on new road in the west part of the plot.
5. Private entrance to the ambassador’s residence – north border.
6. Entrance for trucks and emergency cars is on the east border.
Official exit is on the north – east border.

2. Description of the Official Embassy Building.
The official embassy’s building consists of three blocks, which have different functional zones:
- first block: section B, C, D of offices;
- second block: visa and consular center and offices, section A of offices;
- third block: representative spaces.
Swimming pool and playgrounds for delegated staff are located on roofs of the first and second blocks. The roof of the third block can be used for official meetings.
Bridges connect first and second blocks, second and third blocks are connected by atrium.

3. Materials of facades.
Walls of the buildings are made of matted and transparent glass and marblit. Vertical lamels are hollow and are made of matted glass.

4. Miscellanea.
Garbage disposal is located near entrance for trucks; the well is near sports’ ground in the apartments building’s zone.
Parking places for awaiting cars are located near each entrance.
Solar panels can be located on roofs of apartments’ and social buildings and on the roof of the residence.
Storage tank for rainwater with septic in the basement of the embassy’s building can let reuse and collect water.

5. Architectural constructions.
Frame skeleton with pylons 200 x 500 mm and with central load - bearing core (ladders and elevators) in all buildings, except social housings. It does not have load - bearing core.
Apartments’ building has French balconies.

Technical information

I attached master plan, all plans and sections of all buildings of the complex, images of their facades, axonometric image of the complex and perspective images.


Designed as diploma project under the guidance of prof. Khazanov M. D., prof. Karelin D. A., assist. Jitpeleva T. I.

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