

Aymen Ouerhani
École Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (ENAU) Tunis

Project idea

"This Is a design for a Library in Bab Laasaal. After analyzing the site, I observed that it is surrounded by three urban fabrics. Additionally, there are two different grids around the site: an irregular grid that defines the organic shape of the medina and a regular grid that defines the layout of Franceville. Furthermore, we noticed the low density of vegetation around the site. During the visit, I appreciated the richness of its environment, given the presence of several interesting viewpoints. The decision to create a ramp that revolves around the central cube aims to provide users with an architectural promenade, allowing them to experience the environment. I have connected these ramps with my spaces to create a link between the interior and exterior, fostering socio-cultural interaction, as our project is cultural and public in nature."

Project description

This library features reading spaces on each floor in a spontaneous manner, where the reading areas are seamlessly integrated into the architectural journey. Open shelving lines the path, providing accessible reading material throughout. Closed shelving serves an exhibition role, as they are glazed, and in addition to this, there is an auditorium and a versatile space with a cafeteria, acting as the intersection and gathering point within the project.

Technical information

The project construction is done in a modern manner, incorporating the use of aluminum framing and modern materials.

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