
National Data Control Center

Abdulkhaleq AL-HIMI
Sana'a University

Project idea

The idea came from the state's need for this project
The basic idea of the project is to collect confidential data from all sectors and ministries of the state in order to monitor, control, and protect it, and to form a robust system that protects the state’s data.

Project description

The first three floors were divided into two parts, the administrative part and the technical part. Movement, classes, and entrances were separated in addition to the educational entrance. An entrance was made for the technical part from the main lobby equipped with a security gate for the need. A large conference hall was made in addition to its annexes and a central lobby through which lighting and ventilation are delivered to all the upper floors.

The underground floors were divided into a first floor divided into a mechanical part with private stores, a maintenance hall, and a quality inspection hall, the second part was a central kitchen for workers and alternates with a storeroom and a refrigerator, and the third part was warehouses for the administrative and educational part. The three parts were separated by security gates and two unloading areas, one for the technical part and one for the kitchen. Central and administrative stores

The vertical connection was distributed into four elevators: the first is the administrative and general elevator, the second is the educational and research elevator, and the third and fourth are for the technical part, one for going up to the operating rooms, cybersecurity, and the rest of the technical functions, and the second is for going down to the server area.

Technical information

The construction of the building is made of Waffle slab -Shear wall - Vierendeel system two sides - steel truss - Steel truss with bracing X TRASS - Local stone - reinforced concrete

The vertical connection was distributed into four elevators: the first is the administrative and general elevator, the second is the educational and research elevator, and the third and fourth are for the technical part, one for going up to the operating rooms, cybersecurity, and the rest of the technical functions, and the second is for going down to the server area.


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