
Czech Embassy in Addis Abeba/Ethiopia

Ezgi Sıla Erdoğan, Büşra Kurtul, Elif Bora, Cansu Türker, Neşe Güneş, Sena Kılıç
Bilkent University

Project idea

Suitability of design to the competition
The project is designed to express the cultural level and tradition of both Ethiopia and Czech Republic. It combines European and local cultural heritage and reflect them in architecture, urban design and interior design. “Functionality” and “purposefulness” was kept as primary aim in order not to be oppressive either to citizens or to the host. Safety, user requirements and operational requirements are considered as key issues while designing an efficient embassy complex. The main aim was to integrate purpose, function, flexibility, art, safety, security, sustainability and maintainability to the project.

Environmental features are handled as determinants of design. For instance, effect of sunlight in warm seasons are reduced by using sun controllers which is made from bamboo. Adequate and local materials are used in order to reduce material transportation and reflect local values. In terms of energy efficiency, double skin system is combined with usage of bamboo as a construction material by considering climatic and other natural conditions. Cross ventilation and passive systems are created by openness in the façade and courtyards.

In Ethiopia, many ethnic groups and languages are existing, therefore international character is pursued in order to reflect common local values and preserve peaceful relations. As an ethical issue, budget limitation is considered and luxury is avoided in order not to differentiate local people and embassy workers. High quality working environment is created for office workers in order to maintain mentally, environmentalyl and socially healthier spaces. In the design process, the values of Czech Republic and their contemporary character are valued such as open, confident, friendly, helpful, respectful, considerate to nature, etc. International character is pursued in general design, historical references are reflected in details.

Circulation of workers, embassadors and visitors are created while considering emergency issues and other circumstances. Social areas are on the ground floor and easily accessible. Security points are located in a way that minimizing the need for them.

Project description

Spatial integration
Existing features of site is one of the important determinant of space design. For instance, intensity of streets and existing circulation paths are considered when locating entrances and social areas. Spaces are separated into four main zones: Totally social areas, semi social areas, secured and semi private areas and totally private areas. These zones are provided in both urban design and interior of the buildings. Social and private areas have adequate distances and natural obstacles such as level differences in topography and vegetations. Measure of safety is considered when locating the buildings and their closeness to totally social areas. From entrances to buildings, guiding elements are located as urban furnitures or landscape design such as tukuls, green areas, seating elements, etc. Variety of urban areas are provided to meet different needs of people. Also the modularity is established in the buildings in order to provide easy circulation and guidance.

Technical information

Functionality of the design solution
In the design process, primary aim is identified as “providing people easiness while transacting their work”. Modular system is integrated to functional spaces in order to simplify functions and provide flexibility of use. International and understandable design is pursued in order to make both Ethiopians and Czech people feel belong themselves to this embassy complex. Relation of spaces are carefully designed to maintain easy paths, clear circulations and apparent functions. Location of public and private areas are carefully determined in order not to cause confusion in function of areas. Circulation of cars, parking areas, pedestrian roads and walking trails are designed in a way that is not blocking each other’s function.

Innovation and originality of the design solution
Both Ethiopia and Czech culture and values are reflected in design by pursuing a style which is international and respectful at the same time. Combining modern construction techniques with local materials and cultural values is one of the key elements of design process. Modularity and flexibility are integrated to design solutions and requirements.

While determining the form and appearance, security and openness are balanced in order not to make Ethiopian or Czech people feel themselves as isolated. Embassy design is handled as a “representation of relationship between two country”. Therefore, measures of security are placed only when needed in order not to create an excessively secured appearance that may destroy relationship and faith between countries. Natural security elements are used when adequate. For example, topography is carefully designed to guide people and indicate the circulation while simultaneously providing security and separating social/private area.

Modular architecture is inserted to project. Understandable circulation, guidance of process are achieved by compactness of modularity. Since process systems are being assembled off-site into easily transportable skids, modular process system developed in parallel with civil and facilities construction. Lower labour and operational costs are achieved due to a shorter project timeline. Therefore, enegy efficiency, reduced cost and increased speed is provided by modularity of spaces. In terms of material, components are simplified as much as possible to reduce overall construction costs and part maintenance complexities.

Fewer resource requirements and decreased waste systems are achieved by modular systems. Production style, assembly and construction conditions reduce material waste and a smaller field crew needed. Because the construction need speed and high quality, fabrication and assembly systems are simplified via modularity. Simplified planning and engineering, flexibility of use is provided by gridal arrangements of design.

Environmental consideration
The main of the project is to reach “Net Zero Energy” level. Therefore, each system and material were selected according to this aim. Using local elements decrease the need for transportation of materials. Bamboo as a local construction materials provide drainage in rainy seasons and sun control in sunny days. Respect of natural vegetation is reflected in green roof that combine contruction advantages and local plants. Double skin system is used to provide thermal insulation. Courtyards and openness in façades are located while considering cross ventilation and passive systems. Use of natural light is maximized especially in working and residential spaces. In general, suitability to variable seasons of Ethiopian climate (dry and wet seasons, warm tempreatures...) is pursued.

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