
Mercado de las Nubes- Gastronomía y producción artesanal en IRUYA

Fredy Martinez
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán

Project idea

Iruya is a municipality in the province of Salta (Argentina).
It is located at 2,780 masl, a town hanging on a mountain.
Unique landscapes, mountains of all colors and an ancient culture. Culture that was affected by growing tourist activity and urbanization of the lives of its inhabitants to the detriment of their activities and rural life. triggering a growing migration movement as a product of the shortage of work opportunities, increased by tourism economic subordination, in
detriment to the rural productive development of the inhabitants.
The response to the problem of work and training opportunities for people in continuous migration is the construction of a building with the physical capacity not only to display ancestral craft and gastronomic products but also the possibility for the locals to have spaces to recreate activities of a cultural nature.

Project description

The set is composed of five volumes with specific activities, so they are clearly differentiated functionally and morphologically. Articulated and related to each other through bridges and pedestrian walkways, which
they also enable the interior exterior architectural tour. Taking advantage of the visuals of tan stunning landscape.
Generating the condition that the landscape is the main protagonist in the course of the building is a pattern intentionally seeked, in this way the envelope is perforated looking to fram landscape postcards or others
cases the overflow of spaces towards terraces and balconies to become viewpoints, like those that are abundant and they characterize the people.
This is how a project is constituted that seeks that the architecture is connected with the landscape, at moments of form testimonial and by others reaffirming its presence due to the great volumetric mass and its completely geometric order contracting to the organic and sinuous of the mountain silhouette.

Technical information

The materiality of the building responds to a regionalist and mixed logic regarding construction techniques, since they are used in 70% of the envelope materials of the place such as stone, but also the use of production materials industrial such as reinforced concrete and metal in points where its resolution guaranteed a plus in regards to the space.


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