
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Steven van Raan
Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam - AHK

Project idea

My design for the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa is based on the principal of Rondo Cubism. Rondo Cubism a specifically Czech style, in search for plasticity, sloping surfaces and decorative architecture. Its consequence of superficial fascination by shape.

Project description

To strive for a more plastic and dynamic expression of architecture. I designed a system of open and closed arcades to shape the five buildings and evoke a strong plastic effect.

All the buildings will be made of concrete.
To give every building a different architectural expression all the facades are different in appearance. To make the connection to Ethiopia, the building of the local workforce and partly the building of the Visa and Consular department are also partly made of local materials. And these materials are also used as casting for the concrete. So these materials give there ‘‘local’’ texture the universe concrete.

Technical information

See project images/ photos.



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