
Yemen 90 For international exhibitions and conferences

University of Modern Sciences جامعة العلوم الحديثة

Project idea

Yemen 90 is the first significance and the first building block
For the idea of ​​the project, after a terrible brainstorming, I concluded the significance of the year 90, which is considered the most important event in the history of Yemen, and the most prominent achievement is the Yemeni unity in the year 1990, which means national cohesion and interconnection between the south and the north, and the integration of the Yemeni social fabric and the diversity of cultures between the two poles of Yemen. I was able, through brainstorming the vocabulary that It accompanies the number 90 as an indication of a historical rosette that carries within it a lot of meaning. I was inspired by the unity of the project’s form composition as a philosophical idea that indicates its cohesion and connection after dispersion and integration after dispersion and diversity after the uniqueness and overlapping of the fabric after distinction and weaving, the extension of the project’s threads, expressing Yemeni unity and the meaning the project carries of unity of formation. Shape, which is one of the design strategies of Dr. Muhammad Naeem, may God have mercy on him, known as the Shape Methodology, follows the authority of meaning, which indicates the meanings of shape:
1○ Physical: The site’s dimensions, topography, and all its physical characteristics, climate, building materials, functionality, etc.
2○ Moral: A message that the designer wants to deliver, or the customer is the one who requests it, and the legislator may be the one who imposes it on the designer.
3○ Decorative (synthetic): internal relationships in form, relationships of proportion, rhythm, and symmetry.
The projects that took me the most time to design and form vocabulary.

Project description

This project consists of the following parts:
1- The exhibition hall.
2- Offices of international companies.
3- Commercial mall.
4- An international meeting and conference hall. 5- 5 star hotel.
6- Services affiliated with the project.

Technical information

-The hotel's tower is made of concrete, steel structure and glass.
-The tower's base is made of concrete, steel and cladding.
-The exhibition building, the showroom, and the rest of the building’s details, the construction system is steel, glass, exterior cladding, fiber and carbon for decorative formation and also to resist external weather factors.

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