

Shahnoor Amer
Heriot Watt University Dubai

Project idea

Project Idea: Enhancing Community Engagement and Learning through a Transformable Coding School and Community Center

In today's fast-paced world, the increasing reliance on technology has inadvertently led to a sense of isolation and disconnection within communities. People often lack opportunities to engage meaningfully with one another, resulting in limited collaboration, personal growth, and community bonding. Additionally, the traditional education system struggles to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape, leaving a gap in providing relevant coding skills and fostering innovation.
The idea for this project stems from the recognition of several key factors: the existing problem we face, the inspiration derived from Cedric Price's Fun Palace architecture, and the pressing need for a new space that brings people together. By drawing upon the Fun Palace's principles, we seek to create a coding school and community center that transcends conventional design and functions as a catalyst for community development.

Project description

The project seeks to create a captivating and functional space that addresses the challenges of the digital age while fostering community integration and social cohesion. By providing a flexible and inviting environment for education, collaboration, and social interaction.

The scope of the project solution includes the following key components:
1. Main building : An elliptical and translucent structure that serves as the central hub for the coding school and community center. This space embodies the project's vision and acts as a focal point for community engagement and learning.

2. Learning Zone: The learning zone is a dynamic and adaptable space primarily utilized by the students attending the coding school. It offers state-of-the-art facilities, including flexible classrooms, collaborative workspaces, and hands-on coding labs.

3. Karama Link Up: The Karama Link Up zone serves as a bridge between the coding school and the community. It comprises areas designed to invite community members into the building, fostering engagement and interaction.

4. Food and Social Zones: The food and social zones are inclusive spaces that cater to the diverse needs of the community. These areas provide cafes, communal gathering spaces, and flexible event venues. They can transform and adapt based on various social activities, networking events, and community gatherings, fostering connections and a sense of belonging.

Technical information

The primary components and technical specifications of the project are as follows:
Structural Framework: The building's structural framework is constructed using a robust steel frame system. This steel frame provides structural integrity, stability, and flexibility to accommodate the transformable nature of the building.

Facade: The building features a visually striking facade composed of translucent polycarbonate panels. The polycarbonate material provides thermal insulation properties, enhancing energy efficiency while maintaining transparency.

Transformable Modules: The building incorporates innovative aluminum and steel tracks within the landscape. These tracks enable the movement of modular units, allowing for seamless transformations and adaptability of the project.

Ventilation and Cooling: The building's orientation is carefully planned to maximize the Venturi effect and capture strong winds, providing natural ventilation and cooling to the site. This design approach minimizes the need for artificial cooling systems, promoting energy efficiency and sustainability.

Sustainability Features: The project incorporates sustainable design elements, such as the use of natural lighting through the translucent polycarbonate panels, reducing the dependency on artificial lighting. The landscape design promotes biodiversity, contributes to carbon sequestration, and enhances the overall ecological balance of the site.


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