
Interaction of Natural Light and Colored Glass

Amir Reza Goudarzi
Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tehran
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

This complex was designed based on the idea of incorporating several functions and mini-spaces into a coherent and monolithic structure. The aim of this design was to achieve the objectives of traditional architecture, i.e. lack-of-redundancy, inward-oriented plan, humancentered scale, structural integrity, and self-sufficiency, in the form of modern architecture, construction and technology such that it would possess a modern physic and a traditional spirit. To achieve the form of modernity, this design was developed with due consideration given to several successful designs built across the world. Nonetheless, design principles were followed based on the guidelines provided by the traditional architecture. For example, in the process of parametric design, presence of colored glass in the walls was selected as the core element of model.
The design of this complex is based on three sets of principles:
1. principles of traditional Iranian architecture
2. principles of modern architecture (Le Corbusier)
3. principles of digital architectural (parametric)

Project description

Designers always try to plan spaces for maximum comprehensibility, sense of belonging, diversity and minimum repeatability. Today, the last two goals can be achieved by a change in the placement of furniture or decorations, or a change in color, but in the past, architect used light in combination with multiple colored pieces of glass to provide a continuously changing and refreshing atmosphere and induce a unique sense of belonging. It is obvious that such atmosphere can act as a good medium to inspire senses of peace, love, memorability, and health, and consequently, a sense of psychological security, which seems to be desperately needed in today’s society, can be developed. The integration of the aforementioned principles may carry some degrees of risk, as such, unlike the past designs, where small portions of the openings used to be covered with colored glass, here we seek to attribute fluidity and transparency to the entire space by covering the majority of walls with colored glass and normal glazing and using the walls as the frame of this texture This ensures that the slightest change in the angle of the sun will trigger significant changes in the space and its atmosphere, which in turn, will allow the visitors to be amused for hours by the unique dance of light and color, and this amusement will allow them to come out of their negative feelings and embrace a positive perception of their existence

Technical information

In this design, we use three elements of colored walls, expansive transparent windows displaying the interior, and an inviting form realized by an enormous elevated console guiding the visitors inside to reflect the feelings of interior space to exterior. The wall colored with parametric density awakes a sense of belonging, the expansive transparent windows act as a frame to exhibit the dance of light inside, and gentleness of this enormous form radiates a sense of invitation, all with the aim of inducing a sense of psychological security to exterior audience.

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