
Václavka Pavilion

Michal Hofrichter
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

The proposed project concept revitalizes and brings back to life the Václavka spring, which served as a source of spring water during the operation of the Houštka Sun spa and former student dormitories. Currently, the spring is buried. The area of the Houštka forest park and the nearby sports complex is frequented daily by many athletes or families with children who would like to find a place to rest and drink fresh water in the middle of the forest.

Project description

The building is designed to connect existing paths with an additional fourth route and, at the same time, create a tranquil area with seating around the newly designed fountain. The pavilion forms the imaginary center of the Houštka forest park section, which is surrounded by an inline skating track, cycling, and hiking trails. All paths passing through the pavilion are independent yet seamlessly connect and link two spacious resting and refreshing areas. However, if a visitor of the pavilion follows the direction lined with massive wooden gates, they will arrive directly at the focal point of the entire project, which is the Václavka spring itself.

Technical information

The load-bearing structure is made of oak wood frames with exposed texture to seamlessly fit in the surrounding nature. Frames serve as pass-through gateways which are connected by steel rods to ensure rigity of the structure. Walking surfaces are made of larch planks or floor grates, both elevated above ground.


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