
Magic forest school. Reconstruction of the destroyed school

Вероніка Сумченко, Daria Koval
O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Project idea

The concept presented here in inspired by the manifesto of micro-forest school, but given content of manifesto is slightly expanded and becomes ^magical micro-forest school^. Children in this school divided by skills and age into 5 guilds. Every guild has an individual theme and its own location on the school ground:
- Herbarists` Guild: studying plants and taking care of them in the local garden
- Mushroom Pickers` Guild: studying mushrooms, growing them in a mushroom cellar and processing it into practical items
- Fisherman`s Guild: studying aquatic world and taking care of school pond
- Hunters` Guild: studying the animal world and learning how to take care of animals in local zoo
- Wizards` Guild: the oldest children who already studied the mysterious world of forest flora and fauna and are ready to help others. A tent camp has been set-up for them on the school`s roof

Project description

The school building is shamrock-shaped, creating three courtyards on the theme of guild and partially buried in the relief along with two other courtyards. The school`s roof becomes a continuation of the relief and the forest around of the school also extend to the roof. The exit from the classroom to the courtyard is made at different levels. This provides the opportunity to teach classes on the roof and in the courtyards. The buildings` deepening into the ground allowed to locate an emergency bomb shelter.
The interior school space has a total of 3 floors but multilevel in three parts in relation to each other which provides spaces for the library, gym, classrooms with appropriate height and creates visual connections and interesting interiors. The entrance group is the nodal point of guilds` classrooms and all common spaces: library, gym and amphiteatre which becomes a center for interactions between students and combines funtions of assembly hall and dining room.

Technical information

The overall structure is made of monolithic concrete, the glass atrium is arranged on wooden trusses and concrete columns.


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