
Aggregate City - An urban machine that trigger intuitive experience of view from a non-single perspective

Shudi Sun
The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Stockholm, Sweden

Project idea

The core concept of the project is Ambi-formalism.
The main content of the design is urban morphology and an urban system of collective communities. Aim at creating a non-single perspective of reading, which could be called intuitive experience, to increase presence to position “ourselves". City can also unfold slowly like a Chinese scroll, telling a continuous intuitive experience.

Project description

Decompose fengshui map and fortification map into units, according to the respective angle limit : sight and projection. From one projected point to several points, from point to line. Units can be aggregated into different forms due to their angles and focal lengths, which is also the logic of urban unit aggregation. Visual as scale to establish a new visual layer of the city - An urban grid that can be influenced by visual points to produce different aggregation rhythms. As an autonomous urban structure that can accommodate multiple reading views. In turn , which can trigger people's intuitive schema in it so as to position ourselves. Residential district is the object designed to operate the system and skeleton of urban aggregation which mix of private and public volumes can accommodate a series of events, it aiso in itself constitutes an event. This visual clue is the schematic route(events) into a dwelling, to identify each neighborhood.

Technical information

a. Controll the angle (fluctuating within a range)of each block unit.

b. The volume of collective housing points to the visual point of the city.

c.The slightly smaller building volume with shared public function points to different second-level visual point (outside the community boundary)

d.Transport or service infrastructure, such as stairs in the residential volume (providing a moving body and a moving vision) point to courtyard in the community.

e. The transition space between each units provide changes in perspective direction through some kinds of infrastructure like Large corridors, flyovers, parks.

Function Classification of Shared Space in Community
Buildings points to secondary viewpoint on the both(N,S) sides in the city, The turning point corresponds to the entrance of each housing building.

Service Function
a. 5 meters wide: Laundry room, Reading room, Gardening room, Tea house, Garbage room, public toilet ,indoor gym+locker, day care, etc.

b. 2.5 meters wide: Single arport, Pavilion, Corridor, Stairs, Bus stop.

c. High points: Observation stages, Towers, Elevators.

Open space between service spaces and housing:
Community entrance, Courtyard, Outdoor theater, Plantation or Gardening place ,playgrounds, Sports fields, Yoga grass , outdoor pool etc.

f. The last level of visual events is completed by Housing. Operating elements for positioning in residential systems: i)Inner Courtyard: Shared by two households or exclusive to one household; Entrace with balcony/deep window, private garden. ii) External stair system
Fire stairs, elevators or spiral staircases for whole dwellings
Loft type,the light stairs and entrance space of every two households
These directional semi-public spaces point to shared service buildings and open spaces between them, which are also areas where residents can add and manage spontaneously.

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