
Music Building Based on Placemaking Architecture Comfort and Images Parameter, Central Jakarta Indonesia

Marcello Rios
University of Agung Podomoro Jakarta

Project idea

This project is focusing the needs of better facilities for street musicians as a solution to the problem in lack of facilities in the form of music development and training in order they could do better. Through the design criteria, placemaking architecture and music courses can create attractive, charming, active, comfortable and innovative spaces for social space and become a motivated entertaining place for them. These research can implemented the quality of place connect with the environment and public landscape as a respon.

Development and improvement of the area in the form of public transportation and development facilities, more and more to encourage user activity in the future, The need for space for music facilities is based on the number that has even been implemented in the center of Jakarta, Catagorize by teenagers to young people which facilitated by music facilities also sites
strategically surrounded by commercial zones, offices, world centers also residence housing.

Music is a means of communication for musicians to express feelings and emotions. Presenting a free, strong and assertive atmosphere inspired by composers who have a passion for expressing their moral emotions. Mass architecture is inspired by expressive forms of music that are firm and strong so that they have an identity meaning that can be told.

The diversity of melodies also inspires several bold forms, according to the expressions and feelings you want to tell The shape of the building is considered in order to achieve aesthetics and imagery that supports the comfort and intimacy of the building to the users.

According to the research, this criteria become a parameter to push the social needs and improving musician and users development and criteria thinking to produce a good music and working as they needs. Place become an attractive ways to provide a good space and good society surround the area. Dividing zoning according to the needs of public and private properties by considering good and good views to be confronted and developed according to the nature of space. Programming begins to be detailed according to circulation and user activity from one place to another. MEP, circulation stairs and activities in public and private spaces have been seen.

Project description

The music hall building is a space that provides training, learning and self-development activities that can be felt by street musician users as creators and the public as music connoisseurs. The facilities and infrastructure that are marketed meet the needs of market musicians who are less facilitated in the form of places and musical attributes such as piano, akordeon guitars, drum, violin and saxophone that should be found in youth arenas. However, the youth arena only focuses on physical activities such as sports and martial arts. The music buildings available in Jakarta are reversed with the potential for musician resources which are increasing every year. The data is also supported by the largest number of entertainment enthusiasts in the Indonesian sub-sector, including music and workshops that affect Indonesia's GDP economically. Architectural problems in the form of space that does not support musicians in terms of facilities and architectural quality. The placemaking architectural approach for comfort and image parameters can become a standard for innovative, attractive, comfortable and uplifting space renewal so that the user is a stimulus that encourages musician innovation in self-development and has a better and more perfect work space. The music hall is not only a place for courses, but a space that will meet the needs of social interaction so that they can develop and work together and develop better. The user category targets teenagers in Central Jakarta as a potential for dense demographics and thick cultural aspects that can become a strong identity to present a good space for musicians and connoisseurs.

Technical information

Building system structure use grid system with 60x30 CM foundation reinforced concrete with facade detail used X-Bracing column 60 cm diameter. with Auditorium used flat wide span structure system. With in detail in auditorium wall panel foam, up ceiling reflective sound.

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