
Czech Republic Embassy

Sara Nagy Bakr Mohamed Halawa
The German University in Cairo

Project idea

The project idea is combining all the functions needed for the embassy complex in one entity representing the embassy and Czech Republic.
The one mass or block of building with significant geometrical form with higher level than the surrounding buildings as to be visible from the surrounding streets and context.

Project description

The Embassy, the staff residence and the visa department, are combined in one building and one mass. This allows the connection between the offices of the visa department.
Rectangles are subtracted from the mass emphasizing the main embassy entrance with an approach to the entrance and the inner courtyard.
The courtyard visually connects the offices and the representative terrace with a water surface in the courtyard that references to the water culture in both countries.
The site has different entrances to the different functions of the embassy complex, the different entrances allowing the privacy of the spaces while achieving the needed security regulations. A secure entrance to the embassy and the representative spaces of the residence villa. A porter's lodge also located at the entrance of the visa spaces. A parking situated outside the walls of the complex with a pedestrian only entrance to the visa department.
Parking for the embassy located in the west with a porter's lodges and pedestrian entrance from the south. Staff Residence entrance to the parking and a pedestrian entrance located in the north. The visa entrance located in the east. The villa entrances from the east, a private entrance to a private parking and the representative drop off to the representative spaces.
The residence villa is a detached building with a representative garden for the visitors connected to the courtyard and the water surface. The villa is sloped towards the back private garden and private pool as a reference to the residential buildings in Czech Republic. The spaces in the private apartment of the residence is separated with different levels.
The staff residence building is shifted downwards giving them more privacy. In the interior apartments, the spaces are separated by different levels.
The visa department having a shaded outdoor waiting area for the applicants.

Technical information

The construction of the building is concrete built.
Exterior concrete panels for the elevations and white plaster for interiors.
Wooden frames emphasizing the windows with shading element over them.

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