
The Empathetic Tower

Nouran Elmahdy
Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Abbaseya, Cairo

Project idea

A mixed-use tower is a part of (Enigmaria city) which is a floating city designed in Suez canal region

the tower is designed using optimization at different levels to assure human comfort, following ( design at the intersection of technology and biology)

-swarm algorithms
-computational design
-adaptable architecture
-Ai integration
those are five main basis which the project is built on to implement a new experimental, futuristic project

Project description

this project provides hotel rooms for (Enigmaria) floating city residence as well as services related to their stay ,retail stores and franchise restaurants for the public, office building for different companies headquarters, using AR technologies helping in minimizing service zones in panoramic sites as cores are provided from basement where most services are located

Technical information

tower is deigned using different optimization at different levels of the project to provide human comfort, stability, environment friendly using materials with lowest EPDS to ensure it meets with global standards

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