
Hotel complex

Anastasia Korovina
State University of Land Use Planning
Russian Federation

Project idea

The projected building is located on the shore of Lake Baikal and belongs to the tourism sector, which is currently a very relevant and developing construction industry in Russia. Recreation on Lake Baikal is included in the 5 most popular destinations for recreation, including for foreign tourists. The development of the tourist destination is promoted by the federal program «Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019-2025). Recreation on Lake Baikal is more associated with the Irkutsk region, the creation of a hotel complex in the Republic of Buryatia will attract interest in this place and improve the economic situation of the region.
The design site is located in the village of Goryachinsk on the shore of Lake Baikal. The land area is 35.7 hectares. This territory belongs to SEZ «The Baikal Harbor» . This territory is specially allocated by the state for the construction of complex tourist facilities there. The concept of the hotel complex involves the creation of a space in which there will be not only living quarters for the accommodation of guests, but also various activities for leisure and recreation. Also the purpose of this project is to create a modern hotel complex, with ethnic elements, to combine technological progress and modern architecture with a national flavor. In addition to this, an important factor is the preservation of the unique nature of Lake Baikal, for this deforestation is minimized. To do this, the building will be located among the trees, which will also give tourists coming there a feeling of complete immersion in nature.

Project description

The building of the hotel complex has a clear definition of zones.
The administrative part of the building is dominant. It stands out on the facade due to its number of storeys, residential parts of building are adjacent to it on both sides. Two-room superior rooms are located on the last two floors of residential parts.
The public part includes the following areas: entrance area, catering area, public area in the form of conference halls, cinema projection and viewing platforms, economic zone, administrative zone.
Communication between zones and parts of building is carried out by stairs, elevators, corridors.

Technical information

The image of the building with its changing height was inspired by the Ulan-Burgas ridge, located near Goryachinsk. The view of this ridge opens from the design site.
Due to its complex shape, the building has a monolithic reinforced concrete frame structural scheme. A hinged ventilated facade was chosen as the facade cladding, it provides ample opportunities for the implementation of any ideas when finishing the building.


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