

Phakon Isariyachaikul
Chiang Mai University (CMU), Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai

Project idea

According to the research of income inequality and inequality in society by Wealth Index ,Thailand is one of the countries in the ranking of the countries with the highest inequality, for example in 2014 it was 4th and in 2023 it was ranked 97th place.

Social issues / Pain point. Nowadays, Thai’s society especially the young generation is faced with inequality and not valuing others equally in the society, and that is the basic of the problem that Thai’s society are
facing right now such as (1)Inequity, (2)Lack of opportunity for people and youth, (3)Intransparency of government, etc.

As the architect designer that believe architecture can favor wellbeing and social equity by indirectly affects through the environment and user perception, and directly affects by function and providing human beings with services and beauty.

From topics and pain points of Thai society such as (1) inequality (2)lack of opportunities for people and youth (3) intransparency of government and including global issues such as climate change are included in this design issue to create equity, transparency, opportunity, and sustainability for everyone and everything,

And also intend to make this project a social service and a symbol of the beauty of diversity in the social equality.

Project description

Understanding & Inclusiveness by using universal and inclusive design to welcome everyone into the project, Creating sense of belonging and ownership to everyone through the architectural program and be responsive with community’s needs and that it reflects their cultural identity through the way of life and architectural design. The main area of the project was separated into three-zoning but still connecting to each other through spatial-relationship such as (1)Activities& Multi-Purpose Area ,(2)Co-Working & Public Library Area, (3)Exhibition& Gallery Area ,and (4)Local Market Area.

Technical information

In addition to social problems, the most extreme problems that cannot be ignore and should pay attention to is the climate change at the same time.

Material & Detail. There are two main reasons for the materials in this project that were taken as design issues.which is :
1)Macro reason - Climate change and sustainability is the global topicand global issue. And also intended to offer the alternative material for sustainability and environmentally friendly materials.
2)Micro reason - Inherit local wisdom and use of bamboo as the main material for architecture that contain the good strength, especiallytensile strength. And also distribution of income to the local artisan.


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