Urban Design and Landscape

Sense of Place RTH City Indonesia

Deddy Tansen
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra)

Project idea

Design the interior of public buildings on RTP and RTH city parks

Project description

Create an interior design with the concept of urban space that responds to Covid-19 by considering circulation by applying the design characteristic of banjarmasin culture, the southern phrase to attract tourists and local communities as well as maximizing the view of the river as one of the potential in the area of banjarmasin.

Technical information

Use Concept design Bring local culture modern.
By using this style, make the atmosphere of the room more quiet and not seem passive. Use materials from the southern language culture such as wood or rotan, hand crafts and furniture that can be used in the interior. Provide a more vibrant and diverse urban atmosphere with unique and attractive shapes. In terms of health protocol, in addition to keeping a distance in each area will be given hand sanitizer as a form of response to covid 19 and make some new circulation so that visitors are not gathered in the same area as well as provide laundry facilities in every area such as entrance, lobby hotel and commercial area or giftshop.

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