

Mária Salková
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

SK : Lisabon je mestom SVETLA, OTVORENOSTI a TRADÍCIE. Pri riešení konceptu zadania sa vychádzalo z týchto faktorov a preto bola jednoduchá HMOTA prízemia rozdelená na 3 časti, ktoré boli vzájomne OTVORENÉ a spojené pozdĺžne, čím sa prízemie prepojilo a PRESVETLILO cez severnú a južnú stranu. Ďalším cieľom bolo OTVORIŤ HMOTU aj priečne a sprístupniť ju verejnosti cez parter. Týmto získala tri HMOTY, ktoré sú OTVORENÉ celej okolitej oblasti. Celkovým architektonickým riešením objektu bolo dosiahnuť jednoduchú minimalistickú HMOTU, ktorá je preniknutá SVETLOM, OTVORENÁ k prírode a ľuďom.

Co sa tyka vizuanej podoby navrhu, boli volene principy OTVORENOSTI A SVETLA. Preto je HMOTA riesena ako cista biela minimasliticka betonova stierku, ktorou prestupuje SVETLO cez zasklenene OTVORY. Myslienkou bolo takuto jednoduchu hmotu ciastocne potiahnut kozou Portugalska a preto su OTVORENE casti potiahnute typickou portugalskou kachlickou.

EN : Lisbon is a city of LIGHT, OPENNESS, and TRADITION. When solving the design concept, these factors were taken into account, and therefore, the simple MASS of the ground floor was divided into 3 parts, which were mutually OPEN and longitudinally connected, allowing the ground floor to be interconnected and ILLUMINATED through the northern and southern sides. Another goal was to OPEN the MASS transversely and make it accessible to the public through the ground floor. As a result, three MASSES were obtained, which are OPEN to the entire surrounding area. The overall architectural solution of the building aimed to achieve a simple minimalist MASS that is penetrated by LIGHT and OPEN to nature and people.

Regarding the visual appearance of the design, the principles of OPENNESS and LIGHT were chosen. Therefore, the MASS is designed as a pure white minimalist concrete finish, allowing light to pass through glazed openings. The idea was to partially cover this simple mass with a Portuguese touch, so the OPEN parts are clad in typical Portuguese tiles.

Project description

SK : Prizemie je rozdelene na tri HMOTY, vzajomne OTVORENE a sucasne OTVORENE vonkajsiemu parteru. Hmoty su prepojene koridorom, ktory tvori jednu liniu a vdaka presklenenej zadnej casti fasady je cely priestor od zaciatku po koniec PRESVETLENY.

Prve poschodie je venovane spolocnemu byvaniu – Co-living. Kde je HMOTA rozdelena opat na tri funkcie – zabavu, byvanie a spolocna stretavacia OTVORENA čast. Tato sluzi jako velka terasa s varenim a vyhladom do zahrady.

Vyssie poschodia su urcene rezidencnemu byvaniu. Vytvara jednu HMOTU na zapadnej casti OTVORENU terasami do zahrady. Hmota je na vychodnej a zapadnej fasade OTVORENA a tym ju skrz na skrz presekava celu SVETLO.

Z rezu mozeme vidiet vyskove usporiadanie voci okolnym zastavbam – HMOTA novej budovy je prisposobena vyskovemu klesaniu zastavby medzi budovami EDP a budovou A.

Z pozdlzneho rezu vidime zesa vyskovo prirovanva k blizkej budove skolky orientovanej za budovou.

EN : The ground floor is divided into three MASSES, mutually OPEN and simultaneously OPEN to the external ground floor. The masses are connected by a corridor, forming a single line, and thanks to the glazed rear part of the facade, the entire space is ILLUMINATED from beginning to end.

The first floor is dedicated to communal living - Co-living. Here, the MASS is divided into three functions - entertainment, living, and a communal OPEN area for gatherings. This area serves as a large terrace with a kitchen and a view of the garden.

The upper floors are designated for residential living. So was created a single MASS on the western side, OPEN to the garden through terraces. The MASS is OPEN on the eastern and western facades, allowing light to penetrate throughout.

From the section, we can see the vertical arrangement in relation to the surrounding buildings - the MASS of the new building is adapted to the height descent of the development between the EDP building and Building A.

From the longitudinal section, we can observe the height adaptation towards the nearby kindergarten building located behind the main building.

Technical information

SK : Hlavná nosná konstrukcia budovy pozostava zo ZB. Z hľadiska riešenia udržateľnosti boli zvolené fotovoltické panely na strechu, ktoré vďaka dostatku svetla vyrábajú energiu. Dažďová voda sa využíva na splachovanie WC, fontány, zavlažovanie a hasenie požiarov. Množstvo stromov v okolí parteru znižuje teplotu, pri vstupe do areálu sú umiestnené fontány ako akustické tlmiče. Na vykurovanie sa využívajú tepelné čerpadlá z pôdy, jadrá budovy sú chladené betónovým jadrom a pretože celá HMOTA je otváraná pre svetlo, otvory sú zasklené špeciálnym skleneným materiálom od spoločnosti Saint-Gobain, ktorý chráni pred prehrievaním.

EN : The main structural framework of the building consists of reinforced concrete. In terms of sustainability, photovoltaic panels were chosen for the roof, which generate energy thanks to an abundant amount of light. Rainwater is utilized for flushing toilets, fountains, irrigation, and fire suppression. The presence of numerous trees in the vicinity of the ground floor helps to lower the temperature, and acoustic dampening fountains are placed at the entrance to the premises. Ground-source heat pumps are used for heating, and the building's cores are cooled with a concrete core. As the entire MASS is open to light, the openings are glazed with a special glass material from Saint-Gobain, which provides protection against overheating.


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