Interior Design

Holiday cottage- Cozy shell

Sofja Osmanova
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Architecture
Czech Republic

Project idea

The idea behind this project is to provide tourists with a unique and exciting experience by a holiday cottage that has a snail shell-shaped floor plan.
Since the structure is circular in shape, the main idea was that the whole cottage should be lightened not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Therefore, with the help of glass walls, it is possible to achieve not only light, but also more space and contact between all parts of the hut.

Project description

The structure consists of one main part in the shape of two connected circles with a shell roof also in the shape of a circle.
There's only one above-ground level with a doorway and an entrance to the living area connected to the dining room and kitchen. There is a workroom, a bedroom for two people and a bathroom with a bathtub.

Technical information

The facade features classic cut plaster along with stone cladding. The roof is made of Dutch roof tiles and wooden rafters with lattices are seen in the interior.

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