
Advanced Nyumbani

Sonia Sharma, Anchal, Naman Kumar
Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh

Project idea

The main aim of the project is to create a space which
preserves the tradition while keeping it modern.
So the planning of the whole dwelling resembles the homes
they've been living in their entire life. The round huts,
curvilinear structures and introverted planning which includes
their animals as well.
The cluster of 6 dwellings is interconnected to maximize
interaction. The plantation around it helps to keep the
environment healthy, generate income and helps in the
development of great green wall.
Future expansion of the cluster can be easily incorporated due
to the flexible shape.
Resources and materials are chosen wisely as the materials for
the building will be locally available and the construction can be
done by the community itself.
A system of plantation is being followed around the dwelling in
concentric way.
The first zone comprises of the native medicinal plants which
will keep the environment fresh and cooler along with having
health benefits
The second zone comprises of native crops which will be
planted with zai pits and Agroforestry to maintain the fertility
of land and for their consumption.
The third zone comprises of commercial plants for income
The fourth zone comprises of native baobab tress along with
the pathways to shade them as well as to generate income.
At last the land will be naturally grazed by the animals of 6
dwelling and the excreta of the animals will act as fertilizers.
One of the traditional methods is also used which will increase
the fertility of the land that is stone lines.

Project description

this project consists of the dwellings which are made around Great Green Wall to support the project

Technical information

The walls are made up of
compressed stable earth blocks and rammed earth because of
their high level of pest protection and thermal control .
Traditional clay flooring is being used.
Slit windows and vertical louvres are provided for cross
To make the space naturally cooler double roof is provided
which minimize the heat gain.
The primary roof has a slope which creates an air pocket for
stack effect. The secondary roof is of metal sheet supported
with cheap steel bars, to prevent direct uv rays and for Venturi
The slope of roof is studied to collect water as much as
possible. The collected water will go into a tank through gutters
leading its way.
There is the construction of a bio-compost toilet, that controls
odours and produces fertilizer.
The central part forms the courtyard with common kitchen in
between which will be the main interactive zone. Open seating
is provided in that zone as well.
A dynamic semi-open space joining washrooms to the central
area which is surrounded by bamboo sticks.


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