Urban Design and Landscape

الوجهة /The Destination

Dana Aburabi, zeina Jaradat , Yamen Karasneh , Rania Rahahleh , Dema Hussein
Jordan University of Science and Technology

Project idea

Location of project in alazraq city -Jordan ,after site visit and analysis studies as a historic city and remote area far from the center ,low income and no job opportunities .so to attract the tourists ,as a team we think about food ,as essential element ,given the site there's no food spots and rest to visitors so they just come to alazraq castle and leaving without any impact to the city ,economic activity and local .
traditional and healthy food between nature and historic ,enhancing street and provide food spots with foldable booths to make it easier for food sellers ,creating community space as garden local user can plants their organic food and making salads ,pies ..etc
as a tourist you can share locals food and learn how traditional food prepared (لزاقيات -عميشة-).
transformation from vehicles street to pedestrian street to create spaces for food bazaars and events festivals so on depending on time and seasonal program .
reorganizing street lanes and ways and circulation map to support ideas , reduce street to one lane by make it one way street to give space for sidewalks and bike lane and closing street to create parkway with being sure after testing .

Project description

First zone front alazraq castle it's a linear boulevard included: food booths ,rest spaces ,relax area ,community garden integrated with nature .
second zone intersection and landmark of alazraq creating parkway and good visual elements depending on identity of the city .
third zone ending with school and as a part of community ,students should integrated with nature and learn about healthy food so the designer created agriculture spaces within school and enhancing accessibility to.

Technical information

Using local resources material :basalt and lime stone to enhance architectural identity of building facades ,insertion green wall and roof compulsory order .
setting up building codes to organize the city,and design wayfinding and visual map to alazraq .to self-reliance community and decrease outcome and economic increase . mobility depending on bikes riding so should bike lane provided to street and safety warranty,better solution and using local resources ,mixed use building and so on .
By following three steps (Data &analysis-Design Implementation-Codes ) .
Implementation through three phases .
phase one if there's no funding so solutions are easy and available .
phase two should take stakeholders permission .
phase three after find findings to economic grow up.


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